Booking code
After booking, you will receive a confirmation code, which you will need during the check-in.
To your email address a booking confirmation email will be sent containing the following information:
- unique reservation confirmation code;
- ticket number;
- flight number;
- the date and time of the flight;
- information on departure and arrival points;
- the full price of the ticket;
- information on additional services and their costs;
- flight information.
We transport passengers directly between two cities. We do not provide connecting flights, so you need to check in with your luggage for each individual flight.
The contact information provided at the time of booking can be used to send notifications of flight changes. We will require the following contact information:
- mobile phone number;
- email address.
Aero Nomad Airlines shall not be liable for any damages arising from the inaccurate e-mail address and/or telephone number provided or if the passenger does not have access to the provided e-mail address, or does not regularly check his/her e-mail, or if the passenger could not be reached at the provided telephone numbers.